public management, healthcare, communication activity, communication technologies, communications in healthcare, communications in public health, electronic healthcare system.Abstract
The article analyses foreign and domestic scientific and practical investigations on the e-Health system in countries with developed and developing Healthcare system. Different approaches to term «e-Нealth» are considered starting from the instruments, which make availability of medical care easier for a patient up to the system of medical information management and wider abilities of public management of healthcare. The level of trust and public perception of different elements of e-Health in different countries is determined. E-Health implementation risks are analyzed. Ways to implement e-Health in public health management in Ukraine are suggested. Today, more and more healthcare providers, healthcare professionals, and health care providers are using Internet technologies to engage in healthcare communication. The main advantages are the speed and convenience of communication activities using e-Health. Healthcare professionals receive accurate and unbiased clinical and statistical data. That made possible to influence public health management, the effectiveness of which depends on the use of modern forms of communication for physicians, population, patients and public management and administration bodies. A wide range of communications with the public, patients, business, politicians, researchers, as well as the implementation of financial and administrative models in health care depend on this system.
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