education, information and communication support, public administration.Abstract
In the context of the formation and development of information society in Ukraine, information and communication support for the educational space, which is one of the important factors for preparing a person of modern formation and effective development of the state, becomes of great importance. Modern information and communication technologies (ICT) are forcing society to take a new approach to understanding the role of information in the educational process, especially in the training of specialists in educational institutions. This is evidenced by the adoption of the new version of the Laws of Ukraine «On Education», «On Higher Education» and the processes of informatization of educational activities already carried out. In terms of the current state and prospects of the development of the educational informatization process, there are two main areas of its improvement: instrumental and technological, connected with the use of new opportunities of informatics and information technologies for improving the efficiency of the education system; meaningful, related to the formation of new content in the educational process itself. The success of the reform of the education system in Ukraine depends to a large extent on the effectiveness of public administration in the field. Among the main tasks of public administration in the educational space of Ukraine should be noted: the formation of scientific-theoretical and methodological base of information and communication support, improving the forms and means of implementation of public administration, determining the role and place of public administration in the regulation of modern educational processes. The purpose of the research is scientific-theoretical and theoretical-methodological substantiation and analysis of peculiarities of public administration in the sphere of information and communication support of educational space of Ukraine. Information and telecommunications technology is a generic term that describes the various methods, methods and algorithms for collecting, storing, processing, presenting and transmitting data. Public administration in the field of educational activity is carried out by the adoption of regulatory and individual management acts, the conclusion of administrative contracts and the implementation of appropriate organizational measures aimed at their implementation. The subject of public administration is a system represented by the synthesis of state and non- state institutes of public power, the main structural elements of which are, first, the executive authorities, and second, the executive bodies of local self-government. We formulate the main directions of public administration in the educational sphere of Ukraine. Among them are development of national, sectoral and regional information systems, networks and electronic resources, information-analytical systems of public authorities and local self-government bodies; organizational activities on information support of education; organizational and scientific and methodological support of testing of electronic means of educational process; creation of a bank of perspective pedagogical experience. For the successful implementation of these directions, it is important to effectively combine the components of public administration in the field of information and communication support of the educational sphere: the administrative and managerial component consists in the distribution of functions and powers between the bodies of public administration of education and the public; the choice of style, principles, methods of leadership and management of the education system; pedagogical component is to determine the purpose of functioning of the educational process (use of modern pedagogical concepts, technologies, methods and forms; the legal component provides for the strict adherence to the legal acts regulating the educational sector.
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