public administration, regional investment-building complex, investment program.Abstract
It is noteworthy that currently one can see significant drop in the number of investments in the investment complex, on which a structural transformation of the economy actually depends. The investment sectoral structure is deteriorating, which is expressed in a growing share of raw- material industries, and not only the sectoral structure is changing for the worse, but also is the technological structure of capital investments whose effectiveness also decreases. It is impossible to solve the problem of organizational and economic support of the investment and construction complex’s sustainable development without the state’s active interference in the business of market economy operators. When solving this issue, one should take into account interests of the state, organizations and enterprises, employees, shareholders, clients and consumers, raw material suppliers, and also interests linked to banking operations. Public administration should facilitate the investment process in the investment and construction complex in taking modern market forms. Basic directions of public administration of the investment and construction activities is strengthening the state power, establishing an effective economy, improving and developing the construction complex and the tool kit of the investment activity public administration. Activating the investment and construction activities and increasing the investment amounts should become the focus of the government’s attention. The article’s purpose is to identify the place and role of the state in developing and reforming the regional investment and construction complex and working out the basic components of its public regulation. It is determined that it is the regional nature of construction that casts a certain shadow on the entire investment and construction complex. The article distinguished main stages of the process of administering the investment and construction complex. The author reviews and suggests the basic components of public regulation of a regional investment and construction complex.
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