territorial defense, public administration, mechanisms of public administration, mechanisms of state regulation, subjects of public administration.Abstract
Experience of foreign countries demonstrates that approaches to the organization of territorial defense are based on theoretical foundations of state regulation. In the US, emphasis is placed on improving the Department of Defense’s contractual regulation of public good contentment with an actual product or service acquired by the government or the procurement process itself, with a prominent role for the private sector, to which the powers of the state (legal, economic, and public territorial defense state regulation mechanisms) are delegated. In the UK, emphasis is placed оn the territorial defense of overseas (remote) territories as important zones that require defense responsibility in terms of ensuring the security of the nation and its overseas territories, protecting their citizens and their way of life, which are the duties of the government (economic and social territorial defense state regulation mechanisms). The territorial defense of France depends on state jurisdiction and know-how, and the idea of «a spirit of protection» that is developed from school age (social, legal, information, public territorial defense state regulation mechanisms). The concept and system of territorial defense, based on military service and aimed at increasing the combat readiness of the mobilization forces, by which the government identifies potential candidates for professional armed forces in Finland (territorial defense state regulation mechanisms: political, organizational, legal, information, public, economic). For China, territorial defense is the protection of the homeland for which the frontier forces of public security (legal, social and organizational territorial defense state regulation mechanisms) have been created. Polish territorial defense is based on training, equipment, cooperation and interaction of territorial defense forces with third parties (legal, social, organizational, cultural, economic, informational, educational and propaganda territorial defense state regulation mechanisms). Implementation of the territorial defense state regulation mechanisms of foreign countries provides an opportunity to develop proposals for improvement of territorial defense state regulation mechanisms as a component of defense reform.
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