
  • Nataliіa SOROKINA



organizational culture, public servant, socio-psychological climate, public service, changes.


The article is devoted to the study of organizational culture in public service. The essence of the concept of organizational culture is considered. It has been determined that organizational culture is an interdisciplinary phenomenon which concern several fields. Therefore, there is no single approach to understanding of this concept. It is indicated that organizational culture is a distinguishing feature of every organization and is a decisive factor in the success / the failure of the whole group. In the article, the author conducted a sociological survey among public servants. The purpose of the survey was to find out what major changes have occurred in the organizational culture of public service in recent years. Based on empirical data, it has been found that changes in organizational culture are very slow. Respondents noted that the majority of elements of organizational culture remained constant, such as: the culture of appearance; the individual independence and the responsibility; the interaction of members of the organization with each other; the physical and psychological comfort; the motivation to work. It is proved that a favorable socio-psychological climate in public authorities is very important. So, the high performance indicators of the authorities, the low staff turnover, the high level of labor discipline, and the absence of tension and conflicts in the group depend on it. The important elements of organizational culture, such as the motivation to work, the culture of appearance, the communication links both within the organization (between public servants) and outside (public relations) are analyzed. It is indicated that the leader plays a key role in communication. He must directly participate in the formation of a favorable moral and psychological climate in the group. It has been established that the process of changing organizational culture is quite complicated, requires time and effort, and high level of professionalism of leader. Changes very often cause discontent of the group, they are often perceived painfully. A strong organizational culture generates a positive image of the public service, which in is turn an important factor in raising confidence in public authorities. Therefore, it is necessary to continue to studied organizational culture, to monitor its formation, to improve and to regulate its changes.


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