
  • Vitalii SMACHNYI



cooperation of local communities, municipal administration, management relations, regulation, rules of cooperation.


The article is devoted to the analysis of regulation of cooperation of local communities as a component of the organizational mechanism of cooperation. It is revealed that such document as a Regulation is a legal act that defines an administrative procedure (administrative procedures). The Regulations define the mandatory requirements for administrative processes and their components in the amount and forms that allow ensuring effective implementation of their competence by the local governmental body, its structural units and officials. The general principles for developing administrative procedures by the Regulations, including Regulations on cooperation are considered. It is determined that in order to optimize and modernize the performance of cooperation functions, any Regulation on cooperation should ensure: unification and universalization of the procedure for implementation of cooperation functions by local communities within their tasks; optimization of performance indicators on cooperation tasks; elimination of unnecessary administrative actions and procedures within the framework of cooperation; simplification of administrative procedures in the implementation of cooperation; reducing the period of administrative actions and procedures in the process of interaction of local communities; elimination of unjustified actions at the discretion of bodies or officials within the framework of cooperation; removal of unjustified burden on local communities that act within the framework of cooperation. It has been researched that the Regulations on cooperation establish administrative procedures for cooperation of local self-government bodies. It is revealed that the Regulations on cooperation of local communities should provide the following procedures: exchange of information on planned activities and decisions on cooperation tasks; developing coherent approaches in the preparation of draft regulatory acts within the cooperation objectives; ensuring additional control over the processes of formation, implementation and responsibility for agreed programs and projects within the cooperation objectives; coordination of practical actions of the relevant local self-government bodies within cooperation tasks.


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