



anti-corruption policy, public administration, prevention of corruption, corruption, public administration


It is substantiated that the scientific study of the formation and implementation of the national anti-corruption policy should include the following areas: institutional and legal (sufficiency of legislative and regulatory means and methods of combating corruption), organizational and managerial (functionality in the distribution of power and control over their use by officials), axiological (value orientations of civil servants), ethical and cultural (moral state of the socio-professional environment of civil service), etc. It has been proven that in the context of the development of the national anti-corruption system, the development of rational models for its improvement, the national anti-corruption policy is a mechanism for supporting the state administration system in a state of stability and balance. The work reveals the social essence of corruption as one of the most dangerous manifestations of social life, which is its product, has a clearly expressed political color and indicates the ineffectiveness of the state and public institutions. It has been established that the anti-corruption legislation is only the ground on which fundamental structural transformations can be carried out, and the extent of the spread of corruption, its specificity and determinants are a consequence of the general political, social and economic problems of the country. This is a reaction to the crisis in the main spheres of social life, which is expressed in a deep discrepancy between the mechanisms of managing society and the fundamental goals of its development. The role of legal mechanisms of state regulation as a basic component of the national anti-corruption policy is substantiated. At the primary level of public administration, the implementation of the national anti-corruption policy includes both the rules, procedures and regulations established by the relevant laws of Ukraine: “On Civil Service”, “On Central Bodies of Executive Power”, “On Local State Administrations”, etc. regulations of official activity on the prevention of corruption. At the secondary level – means and methods of combating corruption, in particular: increasing the transparency of the activities of state bodies, ensuring the rights and freedoms of people and citizens, creating conditions for the development of the economy, ensuring European social standards and the well-being of the population, reducing the level of corruption in Ukraine and eliminating the causes and conditions , which is determined by openness and transparency in decision-making and their publication in mass media, conducting public polls and discussions before making management decisions. At the same time, the introduction of the provisions of the Law of Ukraine “On the legal regime of martial law” revealed new components of the general methodological concept of anti-corruption policy. It has been proven that during the development of anti-corruption policy in Ukraine, an important task is to determine the strategy, tactics and specific measures of anti-corruption activities. The basis of the national anticorruption policy is the improvement of anti-corruption legislation, the development of a negative public attitude towards corruption, the causes of its occurrence and spread. It has been established that the effectiveness of the national policy of preventing and countering corruption in Ukraine, in addition to the presence of the appropriate political will, requires proper legislative support, the formation of an effective system of state bodies, ensuring proper coordination of anti-corruption policy, preventive measures to prevent corruption, as well as its overcoming.


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