perinatal care system, public health care management, war, medical services, access to medical care, medical and social servicesAbstract
The relevance of the article is determined by the search for solutions to the problems of the health care system in war conditions, in particular, ensuring the readiness of the perinatal care system for effective functioning in an emergency situation, as well as restructuring the system based on realities and prospects. The purpose of the article is to determine the peculiarities of the perinatal care system administration in wartime, to outline the main challenges and the ways in which the system of perinatal care public administration is able to overcome them. It has been established that in the Ukrainian scientific public administration discourse, there are critically few studies on perinatal care system administration, and they are needed in view of the continued reform of the health care and social protection system, which will also affect the future structure of the perinatal care system. The article lists reasons why perinatal care administration reforms are needed, noting that reforms may vary depending on regional contexts, health system structures, and the specific challenges perinatal care faces in wartime and future rebuilding. Some practices of wartime challenges responding are described, which can be effective in the future even in the conditions of the perinatal care system normal functioning. It was determined that the health and well-being of women and babies begins with their families and communities, therefore, where it is determined not only by the medical, but also by the social and economic conditions in which they grow, live, seek medical and other services; health-related behaviors that are easier or more difficult to implement in these contexts; their physical environment. Therefore, the effectiveness of the perinatal care system depends on effective management of the entire complex of factors. It is substantiated that changes in the management of the perinatal care system will take place in line with the structural and substantive transformations of the health care system as a whole in Ukraine. The author’s vision of measures to increase the level of readiness of the perinatal care system to respond to emergency situations is proposed.
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