public administration, health care, pulmonology service, region, medical services, COVID-19Abstract
The article analyzes the organizational support of the pulmonology service in the Dnipropetrovsk region. The research focus of consideration of the stated problem is due to the introduction of a new organizational and functional management model in the field of health care. The organizational restructuring is aimed at the integration of phthisiatric and pulmonology services in the regions of Ukraine. Decentralization of management and integration of highly specialized medical enterprises have their own characteristics, depending on the epidemiological situation in a particular region. The analysis of the management of the pulmonology service was carried out on the basis of the activities of the pulmonology department of the regional hospital in a relatively stable period of epidemic wellbeing (before the start of the COVID-19 pandemic). It was determined that the department provides highly specialized medical services in order to save the lives of patients in a critical condition (III level of medical care organization). The pulmonology department is a structural subdivision of the regional hospital. The department performs the leading functions of the regional pulmonology service and conducts scientific and methodological work with specialized specialists at the second level and the first level of medical care (family doctors). The structural and functional model of management of pulmonary follow-up of the region covers the areas of medical services for patients with diseases of non-infectious origin. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the department performed the functions of a regional anti-covid center, thanks to the available and appropriate resource base (medical personnel, material equipment, availability of equipped beds with oxygenators, etc.). According to the results of the analysis, an upward trend in the needs of the residents of the region for the services of the pulmonology department was determined. This is the basis for the further development of the pulmonology service in the Dnipropetrovsk region.
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