administrative-territorial unit, administration, post-war recovery, management, decentralization, European standards, public administration, region, sustainable developmentAbstract
The article is devoted to the study of the formation of the modern paradigm of state management of the development of regions in the conditions of post-war recovery. A systematic study of the formation of the conceptual foundations of the state management of the development of regions in post-war recovery was carried out. On this basis, the principles of the development and functioning of a comprehensive mechanism of state administration at the regional level are systematized, which characterizes the level of the ability of the public administration system not only to function in the conditions of countering armed aggression by the Russian Federation, but also to introduce innovative forms and methods of activity at the level of administrative-territorial units. It has been established that the strategic direction of institutional changes in the system of public administration in Ukraine in the format of postwar recovery is the transformation of the existing model of territorial management, the introduction of the principles of decentralization and subsidiarity, the implementation of positive foreign experience of regional management in the context of the institutional challenges of post-war recovery. It is proved that the existing theories of regional development belong to the integrated scientific direction, which combines economic, social, cultural, ecological and other spheres of functioning of regions in order to form a system of ideas about the regularities of their development and functioning. Based on the methodology of the theory of regional development, it is proposed to: 1) identify trends in the development of regions; 2) develop models and mechanisms of regional development; 3) predict the results of the implementation of sectoral and local reforms; 4) develop algorithms for the implementation of system reforms based on foreign experience and the principles of “Good governance”. Conceptual approaches to the adoption and implementation of regional development strategies in the context of post-war reconstruction are presented. It is established that the state, as the bearer of national interests and constitutional guarantees, must ensure continuity in the creation and continuous improvement of conceptual foundations, institutional mechanisms for the implementation of regional policy, and the implementation of specific local projects and programs. The debatableness of the modern transformational trend in the field of regional management, caused by the institutional change of the regional management system, the contradiction of constitutional norms and provisions of draft laws in the field of regional management, and the lack of development of functional regional management mechanisms, has been proved. The expediency of researching the foundations of public administration not only in the system of social, economic and ecological processes, but also from the standpoint of the effectiveness of public administration and the humanizing foundations of civilizational development regarding the provision of human rights of the third generation is substantiated.
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