administration, power, interaction, state, state administration, constitutional content, modernization, public administration, public administrative activity of reformAbstract
The article is devoted to the study of theoretical and methodological foundations, trends and features of public management activity from the standpoint of systemic reform of state power in modern conditions. The institutional and theoretical foundations of the transformation process in public administration are substantiated, the author’s classification of the peculiarities of the interaction of institutions of state power in the context of the modernization of public administration in Ukraine is developed. Modern approaches to the formation of a complex algorithm for the implementation of the democratic principles of constitutional reform are systematized. The essence of modern trends in the formation of the institutional foundations of the transformation process in the system of public administration in the context of the decentralization of power in Ukraine is revealed. The author’s theoretical concept of systemic reforming as the interaction of transformational factors in the system of public administration in Ukraine, formulated on the basis of the traditions of public administration reforms and the European experience of public administration, has been developed and proposed. The principles and methodological basis of such an analysis were defined and substantiated, the subject base of the reform was defined, and the essence and components of the interaction of state power institutions were specified. The methodological principles and theoretical aspects of the initiation, formation and formalization of constitutional changes in the activities of state authorities were studied. The general process of formation of special mechanisms for reforming public administration was characterized. It is proven that the general algorithm of systemic changes requires a strategic understanding of the consequences of reform, taking into account external factors influencing the reform process, preserving the cornerstone constitutional principles, observing global trends on the priority of ensuring public, political, economic and social human rights. The basic principles of changes are defined as the improvement of national legislation, it is established that the rational content of the reformation requires appropriate legal content, the transformation of the system of state authorities and local self-government, the rationalization of the public-private partnership mechanism, as well as the political and ideological content of the content of the reformation. It is justified that the fragmentation of reform as a feature of the national model of public administration requires its own methodological research. For this purpose, trends in the formation of forms and methods of public administration at the supranational, national, central, regional, and subregional levels have been determined.
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