


institute, institution, institutial capacity, institutional capacity, public administration, research methodology, theory of institutionalism.


Purpose. The purpose of this work is to conceptualize the main parameters of the notions of institutial and institutional capacity, as well as to specify the methodological foundations of the study of these attributes of institutional phenomena in the science of public administration. Actuality. The concept of institutial/institutional capacity is quite widely used by Ukrainian scientists to study the peculiarities of the functioning institutions of the political system of society. However, in most publications, this analytical category is used as a matter of course, without a detailed consideration of its content and semantic differentiation, with a focus on primarily applied aspects of measurement. In order to solve this problem, the layer of existing developments on the issues of public administration should be supplemented with the methodological basis of political analysis, which will allow expanding the epistemological guidelines of scientific research. Results. As a result of the research, it was established that the institutial capacity should be understood as the capacity of the institute to regulate a certain type of social relations based on the norms of international legal acts recognized by the state, national legislation and social legitimation (normative aspect of the institute essence). Institutional capacity can be defined for an institution as the ability to perform its functions on the basis of regulatory, organizational and resource provision (structural aspect of the institution's essence). Conclusion. Thus, it was found that the analysis of the specified components of institutial capacity can be implemented based on the application of the research directions provisions of the new institutionalism of political science: international institutionalism, normative institutionalism and sociological institutionalism; and institutional capacity – based on the application of the research directions provisions of institutional studies in economics and political science and the new institutionalism of political science: classical (old) institutionalism, structural institutionalism and economic institutionalism.


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