



public administration, local self-government, inter-municipal cooperation, territorial community, medical service, healthcare, collaborative community.


The article examines and identifies the specific features of local communities’ cooperation in healthcare under martial law and post-war recovery in Ukraine. It is emphasised that local communities’ cooperation has significant potential in healthcare, and the relevant processes require expert advisory support and development of methodological and technological support. The analysis of the structured common expert vision of key priorities for the health sector for the next 18–24 months (2023–2024) identified the challenges that determine the specifics of the local communities’ cooperation processes in health care under martial law and post-war recovery in Ukraine across four priority domains: service delivery – reconnecting people to health care and addressing new needs; capital investment for sustainable progress; sustain and increase the effectiveness of health care financing; protecting institutions and reform foundations. It is determined that innovative tools for local communities’ cooperation in the context of martial law and post-war recovery in Ukraine include both clustering and creation of "collaborative communities" – continuing "forums" where representatives of the public, private and civil society sectors proactively cooperate to achieve common goals and results, solve common problems and use collective opportunities in an atmosphere of trust, respect, empathy and openness. The "collaborative community" was modelled with the incorporation of territorial communities involved in inter-municipal cooperation in the field of healthcare, which allowed to determine the range of its potential participants. It was summarized that "collaborative communities" are not working groups or commissions that usually solve highly specialised problems and disband after the final result is obtained. They can exist indefinitely, if there is a public need. Cooperation relations are supported by shared responsibility for achieving socially significant results and accountability.


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