


state regulation, family medicine, development, integrated approach, state management mechanisms.


The scientific article is devoted to highlighting the problem of updating the state regulation of the development of family medicine in Ukraine. In the context of constant changes in the medical field and the growing demands of the population for high-quality and affordable medical care, in the conditions of martial law, the question of applying effective mechanisms for the development and regulation of family medicine is an extremely important problem of management content. The purpose of this article is to analyze the current problems and challenges that exist in the field of state regulation of the development of family medicine in Ukraine. The article takes into account modern trends in the field of health care, such as increasing requirements for the quality of medical care, demographic changes, changes in approaches to patient-centered care, etc. This makes it possible to more accurately define the challenges and opportunities for the development of family medicine in the conditions of martial law and postwar reconstruction. It was determined that the global obligations of national governments regarding health care also require the government of Ukraine to use significant strategic levers for the development of the primary health care system. We are talking about the mechanism of integrated influence of each of the levers on each other, namely: political support, strategic plans, adequate financing and partnership with communities. he characteristics identified by WHO to define family medicine are listed. The list of problems in the development of family medicine in Ukraine at the current stage is defined. First of all, this is the minimum amount of state funding, which limits the quality of medical services and can lead to a shortage of equipment and medicines. The problem of the effectiveness of personnel policy, which keeps the profession of a family doctor low. It was determined that insufficient transparency of state regulation can lead to underutilization of resources and create grounds for corruption. To overcome the problems of the development of family medicine in Ukraine, it is important to attract investments and create incentives for young specialists by increasing the salary level, expanding the list of social benefits and opportunities for professional development. It is also necessary to improve the current legislation and strengthen control over its compliance, ensure transparency in the distribution of funds and combat corruption.


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