



leader, leadership, leadership qualities, manager, public service, public administration.


At all times of the formation and development of the state, its main function is the regulation of social relations, which can be manifested in various forms. Maintaining order in state institutions contributes to increasing the prestige of the state as a whole. Public administration is not an easy enough process, because the main activity is related to work in a team, where each employee is endowed with his own ambitions, has his own character, temperament and habits. That is why maintaining a working microclimate in which every employee will be satisfied with their work is an extremely difficult and painstaking process. The article considers that it is thanks to the orderly development of social relations that it is possible to predict changes in the system of public administration and to influence them qualitatively. It is considered that the efficiency and coherence of the entire management work of state structures largely depends on the person who heads the relevant body, as well as the presence or absence of such a person's experience, appropriate professional knowledge, and innate or acquired leadership qualities. To reveal the topic, in the article, considerable attention is paid to the study of issues related to the search for modern theoretical and practical approaches to the development of leadership in the public service, motivation and formation of skills and competencies of the manager-leader. Also, the concept of leader and leadership in general is revealed. As a generalization, the meaning of an effective leader in the state sphere is characterized. The works of many scientists were analyzed to find the common and different characteristics of leadership and to realize that effective leadership is a changing process that is easily influenced by factors of the internal and external environment. It has been studied that a civil servant must successfully combine the qualities of an effective manager with leadership qualities, thanks to which the efficiency of the work of state institutions will be as high as possible, regardless of changes in the external environment. The combination of effective work with leadership qualities will contribute to the effective involvement of the public organization in the provision of excellent public services.


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