


public administration, local community, resilience, risk, security, sustainable development, ISO standards.


The relevance of the study is due to the need to ensure the resilience of local communities in Ukraine in the face of numerous risks and threats to human safety and life, integrity and restoration of local infrastructure. The authors characterize resilience as a category of the field of knowledge “Public Administration” as the ability of a system – territory/local community/community – to absorb destructive influences and at the same time preserve its basic functions and structure, and it is a quality that needs to be acquired, developed and continuously improved within the State, region or local community. It is emphasized that in order to ensure the resilience of local communities under martial law and post-war recovery in Ukraine, two technical approaches (concepts) to resilience as the main strategic imperative for complex adaptive systems are most applicable: resilience as the opposite of the quality of “fragility” (“permissible extensibility”), which provides additional adaptive capacity, and “resilience as a network architecture”, which supports the ability to adapt to future risks, challenges and traumatic events. It is determined that under the conditions of the legal regime of martial law and post-war reconstruction, six fundamental foundations of community resilience must be taken into account in the public administration processes’ implementation: people (community members); systemic thinking; adaptability; ability to transform; sustainability. A list of the main international standards in the field of ensuring the resilience of territories and communities is provided. The directions for further research include solving the scientific task of substantiating a set of conceptual provisions for ensuring the resilience of a territorial community in Ukraine, as well as developing methodological and technological support for the relevant processes and their continuous improvement.


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