


public administration, smart specialization, stakeholders, strategy, cooperation, entrepreneurial discovery process.


The article examines the influence of relationships between stakeholders during the development of regional smart specialization strategies on the effectiveness of further implementation of strategic priorities at the level of territorial communities. It was revealed that the implementation of smart specialization strategies should be carried out on the basis of partnership, coordination and coherence of the activities of all bodies in the format of network interaction, which ensure its successful implementation under the conditions that public administration bodies encourage and stimulate entrepreneurs, representatives of scientific institutions and developers of innovative ideas and products to cooperate with enterprises for the best disclosure of the main directions and/or sectors of smart specialization of the region. The requirements of the legislation regarding the involvement of stakeholders in the mechanism of implementation of smart specialization development strategies of both regions and territorial communities and the model of interaction of local stakeholders were considered. The features of public involvement, the importance of international partnership and lessons from the experience of smart specialization regarding the «entrepreneurial discovery process» have been identified. The risks associated with the implementation of the smart specialization approach in the regions of Ukraine and the interaction between stakeholders are highlighted. In order to ensure effective communication between stakeholders in the conditions of the legal regime of martial law and post-war reconstruction in Ukraine, the task of further scientific research has been clarified, in particular, the development of basic methodological recommendations using the experience of EU countries regarding the interaction of state administration bodies with other key stakeholders, the development of a knowledge model in the field regional smart specialization as a basis for the formation of educational programs of various levels, initiation of the practice of holding thematic online seminars for the transfer of knowledge between different groups of stakeholders.


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