digitization, competitiveness, state, globalization, integration, theoretical analysis, practical recommendations, Ukraine, digital transformationAbstract
The purpose of this article is to identify the challenges and opportunities for increasing the competitiveness of the state in the conditions of globalization and integration, to provide practical recommendations for minimizing the negative impact and increasing the efficiency of public administration to increase the competitiveness of the state of Ukraine. The relevance of the study is due to the need to determine the impact of globalization and integration on the state’s competitiveness, the need to reform and modernize the public administration system, which should ensure efficiency, transparency, openness, responsibility, coherence, and partnership between the state, business and civil society in the conditions of globalization and integration. As a result of the study of the impact of digitalization on the competitiveness of the state in the conditions of globalization and integration, it was found that digitalization is a strategic factor that can increase productivity, innovation, quality of services, and information availability, but also requires adaptation to new technologies, data protection, and digital literacy. We also identified the problems of public administration in Ukraine, which prevent the effective use of digitalization opportunities, such as the imbalance of the activities of management institutes, the exacerbation of social conflicts, insufficient decentralization of power, the low level of institutional development of the civil service, and the imperfection of public control mechanisms. As a result of the research, practical recommendations are proposed for solving these problems and increasing the competitiveness of the state in the conditions of globalization and integration, such as the development and implementation of a national strategy for digital transformation, the creation and modernization of digital infrastructure, reforming the public administration system using digital technologies, and the development of digital education and skills , promoting digital integration and cooperation with other countries, regional and international organizations. We believe that these recommendations can contribute to improving the quality of life, social justice, democracy and security in Ukraine and other countries facing similar challenges and opportunities.
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