public policy, public administration, orphans, legal framework, psychological support, social work, guardianship system, orphanages, foster familiesAbstract
The authors investigated that the analysis of state policy in the field of social and pedagogical support for orphans in Ukraine revealed the existence of a framework legislative framework that establishes rights and guarantees for this vulnerable category of children. The analysis was also found to highlight problems and shortcomings in policy implementation, such as insufficient numbers of foster families, limited program funding, social stigma and the needs of children with special needs. These shortcomings require attention and reforms to improve the quality of support and protection for these children. It has been found that public policy in this area is important to ensure a better future for orphans. It requires constant efforts and attention to their needs and characteristics, as well as further improvement of policies and programs aimed at this vulnerable group of children. In addition, this policy is aimed at providing orphans with quality education, psychological support, and the opportunity to develop in an appropriate environment. However, there are serious challenges that need to be addressed and addressed in order to achieve this goal. It is substantiated that the insufficient number of guardian families complicates the process of integration of orphans into the family environment. Limited program funding leads to a lack of resources to provide quality support and services to this category of children. Social stigmatization can create additional barriers for children entering the “Parental care” program. Children with special needs may face difficulties in accessing specialized support. In order to overcome these problems, it is necessary to pay due attention to the issues of financing programs, expand the network of guardian families, carry out informational work to reduce social stigma and ensure access to specialized services for children with special needs. It is emphasized that the state policy in the sphere of sociopedagogical support of orphans in Ukraine is important for ensuring their well-being and future. However, it needs systemic changes and continuous improvement to provide quality and effective support to this vulnerable category of children.
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