community, state policy, international experience, management system, sustainable development, standardization, resource conservationAbstract
The article analyzes the global and European experience in the formation and implementation of sustainable development of "smart cities" and "smart communities" based on technical regulation in the field of standardization and conformity assessment. It has been proven that one of the most effective tools for increasing sustainable development and efficient use of resources in the region is standardization. The existing economic situation, which is becoming more complicated, creates the task of increasing the efficiency of the use of all types of resources and creating an effective resource conservation management system at all levels of the economy: micro, meso, and macro levels. Practice shows that the development of systems of regulatory regulation of sustainable development of economic systems at the specified levels differs significantly from each other. It is noted that the documents of the standardization of sustainable territorial development cover both general issues of building a management system taking into account ISO 9001, and specific approaches to the application of the principles of sustainable development for public administration bodies in accordance with the standards of the 37100 series. It was determined that the documents of standardization of sustainable territorial development were developed for all levels of management (strategic, tactical and operational) and all types of state administration entities. The analysis of the main standard showed an uneven distribution of tasks of sustainable territorial development by components of sustainable development, and even a limited number of tasks that provide a synergistic effect from implementation. All this requires ensuring an integrative approach to the formation and solution of the tasks of sustainable territorial development through the implementation of international standardization documents and the formation of an effective standardization system at the regional level.
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