public policy, public administration, orphans, social and pedagogical support, public policy, education, psychological support, social work, social support, social protection, pedagogical assistanceAbstract
The author has researched that the public policy regarding development programs of socio-pedagogical support for orphans in Ukraine aims to provide orphans with full access to education, psychosocial development and social protection. It was found that the policy provides for the creation of various instruments, including orphanages, boarding schools, foster families, and other measures that contribute to their well-being and integration into society. Key components are quality education and pedagogical support, psychological assistance, and financial support programs. It was determined that public policy is aimed at providing orphans not only with physical, but also with psychological and social support for their successful future. Ukraine focuses its efforts on creating a favorable environment for the development of orphans, providing them with rights and opportunities for an equal start in life. It is substantiated that public policy aims to ensure that orphans have access to education, surrounded by careful pedagogical support and psychological help, as well as the opportunity to integrate into society and develop their potential. It testifies to the social responsibility and humanism of the Ukrainian state, aimed at ensuring a better future for the most vulnerable children in society. It is emphasized that the main components of this public policy are access to quality education and pedagogical support, psychological assistance, financial support programs and other measures aimed at providing orphans with physical, psychological and social development. This policy is important to provide orphans with opportunities for a dignified future and is characterized by a humanistic approach to the most vulnerable members of society.
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