medical enterprises, pandemic, management efficiency, organizational changes, quality of medical services, overcoming threatsAbstract
The article examines the internal and external factors that determine the effectiveness of the management of health care institutions in modern conditions of instability. The purpose of the article: to substantiate the theoretical and methodological aspects and develop practical recommendations for the formation of effective management of a medical enterprise in the conditions of a pandemic threat. The formation of an effective mechanism for managing medical enterprises in the conditions of a pandemic threat, risk and challenges of the external environment actualizes the need to systematize the factors of the external and internal environment that affect the effectiveness of the management of medical institutions. The effectiveness of the functioning of the health care sector at the national level and its ability to further quickly respond to changes in the epidemic situation, the risk of development of which remains constantly high according to the experts of the World Health Organization, depend on the capacity and ability of operational adaptation of medical enterprises to the main challenges of the pandemic. . For this purpose, it is necessary to outline the primary problems and obstacles that determine the effectiveness of management activities at the local level (at the level of a medical enterprise). The issue of developing anti-crisis and adaptive measures that are expedient to use in the conditions of the spread of the coronavirus disease COVID-19 and full-scale war require priority attention. The primary directions of optimization of management mechanisms at the level of health care institutions were formulated and the ways of transformation of intra-organizational management were outlined in order to increase the efficiency of management of medical enterprises of Ukraine. A set of measures is proposed to increase the efficiency of the management of a medical enterprise in the conditions of a pandemic threat, which has a systemic nature and ensures the improvement of the quality of medical care, contributes to the improvement of the work of the national health care system of Ukraine.
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