human resources management, public service, European Union, innovative approaches, personnel development, personnel motivation, career growthAbstract
Topicality. In the proposed article, the author examines the importance and complexity of human resource management in the public sector, paying attention to the diversity and multifaceted approaches in the countries of the European Union. The author emphasizes that human resources management is a key aspect of the organization and functioning of power structures, focusing on maximizing the potential of personnel to achieve the strategic goals of the state. An actual direction is the analysis of the EU experience, which includes developed methods of personnel selection and development, effective strategies for motivating and retaining personnel, as well as advanced approaches to the organization of work processes. These practices demonstrate successful models that can be adapted for use in other countries to optimize civil service management systems. Further analysis highlights that despite significant progress in this area, the modern public service still faces a number of challenges, such as the difficulty of recruiting and retaining qualified personnel in the face of fierce competition and political changes, requiring constant learning and adaptation of management strategies. Goal. Analysis and comparison of human resource management practices in the civil service of the European Union countries in order to identify effective models and methods that can be adapted to improve the personnel management system in Ukraine. The results. The article unfolds a broad analysis of human resource management experience in various countries of the European Union. The author states that innovative approaches to personnel management are implemented in these countries, which include comprehensive strategies for developing skills, ensuring motivation and improving the career growth of employees. These efforts are aimed at creating a productive, innovative environment that supports both professional and personal growth, while also ensuring a balanced coexistence of work and private life. The experience of these countries shows the significant advantages of such approaches, which can serve as an example for reforms in the civil service system of other countries, including Ukraine, to increase efficiency and meet modern requirements for personnel management. The conclusions of the article emphasize the importance of taking into account the experience of the European Union to improve the quality of human resources management in the Ukrainian civil service, offering recommendations for the implementation of the most effective practices to increase the efficiency of the work of state institutions and the professional level of staff.
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