


strategic providers, public policy, European integration, civil society, national defense, Ukraine Recovery Plan, national programs, sustainability


The article examines the role of strategic providers in public policy in the context of Ukraine's strategic development and the European Union, focusing on the improvement of governance mechanisms during post-war recovery. The aim of the article is to refine the public policy mechanism by identifying the role of strategic providers in creating an effective sustainable development and post-war recovery mechanism. The research findings indicate that effective public policy depends on integrated horizontal interaction among public authorities, the private sector, and civil society, which facilitates comprehensive problem-solving and adaptation to dynamic changes. The Reform Office, by activating the role of the Cabinet of Ministers and leaders of territorial communities, aids in the implementation of strategic initiatives, planning, and analysis of state programs, ensuring feedback and interaction with stakeholders. The article emphasizes the critical importance of public oversight in ensuring transparency, accountability, and governance efficiency. The creation of civil society institutions, such as ombudsmen and public councils, plays a key role in ensuring transparency, accountability, and the efficiency of state management. To achieve the goals of European integration and ensure economic resilience, the Cabinet of Ministers initiates comprehensive transformation, including fundamental, economic, and sectoral reforms. Fundamental reforms aim to optimize state management, improve the financial system, reform the judiciary, and combat corruption. Economic reforms involve market liberalization, asset management improvement, business environment enhancement, decentralization, and investment in human capital. Sectoral reforms focus on industrial and energy modernization, transport infrastructure renewal, and critical raw material sector development, considering environmental standards. Engaging citizens through various forms of public control, including public hearings, surveys, and digital participation platforms, as well as the use of local referendums as a direct democracy tool, is crucial for developing effective public policy in the context of European integration. The practical significance of the research lies in developing specific recommendations for the government, local authorities, and civil society organizations on improving planning, implementation, and control processes in public policy.


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