The presented article examines the history of the development of the pharmaceutical industry and the structure of the pharmaceutical market. The pharmaceutical industry is one of the most important and dynamic branches of the modern economy, which directly affects the health of the population, life expectancy and the quality of medical care. Its development in recent decades has undergone significant changes under the influence of scientific and technical progress, globalization of markets and changes in regulatory requirements. The author emphasized that the historical aspect of the development of the pharmaceutical industry allows one to understand the key trends and changes that shaped the current state of the industry, and also contributes to the prediction of future directions of its development. In particular, the author notes that in the early stages, the pharmaceutical industry was based on the use of medicinal plants and other natural ingredients for treatment. The 19th century was an era of significant discoveries in chemistry and biology, including the invention of antibiotics, vaccines, antifungals, and antivirals. The end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century was marked by the development of the production of medicinal products at an industrial level, the creation of pharmaceutical companies and the mass production of drugs. The author noted that the final consumers on the pharmaceutical market are patients who buy medicines for the treatment and prevention of diseases. The author emphasized that the structure of the pharmaceutical market is a complex and multifaceted system that includes various participants: manufacturers, distributors, pharmacies and end consumers. Each of them plays an important role in ensuring access to medicines and their effective use. It is also important to classify medicinal products according to various characteristics: type of action, method of application, regional origin and other criteria. This classification allows for a better understanding of the variety of products on the market and their features. In general, the author noted that understanding the history of development and the structure of the pharmaceutical market is necessary for forecasting future trends and developing strategies for the development of the industry. Studying these aspects allows not only to evaluate the achievements of the past, but also to identify new directions for innovation and improvement of the health care system as a whole.
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