marketing, marketing communications, commercial sector, public sector, anti-propaganda, information warfare, martial lawAbstract
The article examines and analyzes the importance and impact of marketing communications on the interaction of public authorities with the public under martial law conditions. It is substantiated that in the conditions of war, marketing communications play an important role in shaping the image of the public sector, ensuring effective interaction with the public, and managing the information environment. The comparative characteristics of the use of marketing communications in the commercial and public sector are highlighted. The target audience, the purpose of communications, the means of communications, profit orientation, image and brand formation, the method of financing, the scope of application, and success criteria determine the specifics of the use of marketing communications in the commercial and public sectors. Current areas of using marketing communications in the public sector under martial law are highlighted, in particular: development and implementation of effective crisis communication strategies; conducting public debates; involvement of citizens in charitable activities; psychological support of citizens; dissemination of objective information in mass media. The active use of these areas of marketing communications allows the public sector to effectively influence society, form an image and ensure stability in the conditions of military operations. Attention is focused on anti-propaganda and disinformation measures, which are important to ensure the objectivity of information, maintain public trust and avoid the spread of panic or hostility. It is emphasized that in the conditions of martial law, marketing communications in the public sector can play both a positive and a negative role, affecting the perception and behavior of citizens, as well as interaction with foreign partners and the international public. Adaptation of tools and approaches to the specifics of the public sector allows to achieve higher efficiency of interaction with the public and achieve social and political goals in a wider context. Likewise, the understanding of how thе marketing communications affect the perception of government and public trusts – advances the development of effective crisis management strategies, which can be critical in the context of war.
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