institution, institutional crisis, political crisis, public administration, political system, social transformationsAbstract
Actuality. The study of the political sphere peculiarities of society's functioning and government relations in it allows us to note that the crisis from the state of emergency of the political system has turned into one of the defining features of the socio-political processes of nowadays. Both foreign and Ukrainian scientists analyse the crisis aspects of the functioning of particular institutions of the national and supranational political systems, as well as the general condition of society under the influence of challenges of a political and non-political nature. In our opinion, it is important more thoroughly investigate the connection between social transformations, the formatting of the political system and the functioning of government institutions in order to monitor and neutralize the impact of crisis trends on them. Purpose. The purpose of this research is to analyse the social and political foundations of the unfolding of institutional crises in the structure of governmental relations and their consequent transformation within the framework of the political system of society. Results. It is proved that the scientific study of institutional crises in government relations originates from the date of the development of modern political systems and the establishment of power institutions as decisive participants in the political process. The functioning of both the institutions of the political system and the institutions of state power is determined and, accordingly, should be studied within the framework of the analysis of a wide range of social and political phenomena and processes. The institutional structure appears as an applied object of governmental influence with the intention of transforming the entire system of social relations, since both the political system and society cannot be reformed purposefully. Spontaneous macro-social processes, informal aspects of the political system functioning significantly affect relations in the government system, the peculiarities of its institutionalization and development, which allows us to single out certain stages of qualitatively new transformations in it.
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