


management decisions, legal mechanism, health care, management, medical industry


The study of legal mechanisms for the application of management decisions in the sphere of health care of Ukraine is relevant and in demand for several key reasons directly related to the processes of European integration and the risks that have arisen for the medical industry as a result of the Russian-Ukrainian war. In the conditions of constant reforms and changes in the health care system of Ukraine, it is necessary to provide a legal basis for the effective functioning of medical institutions, medical institutions and in all systems of the organization of medical care. Legal mechanisms help structure processes and make them transparent and customer-oriented, taking into account your needs. Access to high-quality medical services is a constitutional right of Ukrainian citizens, and therefore studying the legal aspects of administrative decision-making allows you to protect rights, ensure their access to some medical services and medicines, as well as ensure equal opportunities for all citizens and bring Ukrainian society closer to a barrier-free one format. The purpose of the article is to study the legal mechanisms for making managerial decisions in the field of health care of Ukraine. Results. In the conditions of prolonged Russian military aggression and, related to it, other crisis situations, it is important to have effective legal mechanisms for rapid response and management decision-making, which will ensure an operational and adequate response to threats to the health of the population of Ukraine. The article highlights the legal mechanisms created in Ukraine to ensure quality provision of medical services, as well as analyzes a number of reforms, the implementation of which contributed to this. The study of these mechanisms in the context of solving the problem of increasing the efficiency of management decisions, optimizing the use of budget funds and preventing corruption in the health care sector is extremely important. The conclusions of the article emphasize the need to harmonize Ukrainian legislation with international standards and practices. The study of legal mechanisms for making managerial decisions in the field of health care of Ukraine is important for the creation of an effective, transparent and fair system of medical services that meets modern challenges, the needs of society and the requirements of the European community. At the same time, the improvement of the Ukrainian regulatory and legal framework in the conditions of war is critically important for ensuring the effective functioning of the health care sector and compliance with modern challenges and the emergence of new institutions – mobile medical teams, military paramedicine, temporary patients, etc.


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