


anti-crisis strategies, business, military risks, state deregulation, evacuation, emergency, management


Relevance. Attention is paid to the issues of state regulation to ensure the safety of business with all its production processes and results, as well as the creation of safe working conditions aimed at preserving the life and health of employees in general in the context of possible emergency and emergency situations. It is noted that in the history of the Russian Federation's war against Ukraine, the issue of evacuation occupies a special place. Given the rapid advance of the enemy in February 2024 and the war of attrition that began, the organisation of evacuation has become the most important task directly related to the survival of the country in this difficult period. Due to the constant shelling, there was often not enough time to dismantle and remove equipment, so people had to destroy valuable equipment and save only their families and their own lives. The evacuation from the frontline areas took place in the midst of active hostilities and was associated with heavy losses. Results. Crisis and military risks are a key feature of modern business structures in the current dynamic environment. These military risks and crises threaten the continuity and sustainability of business structures and weaken their ability to function effectively in the market. It is determined that the issues raised in the article draw the attention of domestic specialists to a realistic assessment and development of practical recommendations on the possibility of evacuating businesses to the west of Ukraine, since the industrial infrastructure of the west does not suit many entrepreneurs due to insufficient industrial development. This will facilitate the launch of large-scale and complex work to improve the efficiency of business evacuation and minimise military risks in the event of an emergency. The following is recommended: in order for businesses to achieve maximum success, managers should effectively combine the process of strategy development with its successful implementation. Thus, executives and managers, based on the theory of cyclical development, should not only be able to choose a particular strategy for overcoming crisis phenomena, but also have a technology for its implementation, while predicting the nature and timing of crisis shocks, minimising the negative effects of war.


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