


public administration, digitalisation, digital transformation, digital governance, e-governance, resilience, Ukraine, war, post-war recovery


The relevance of the study is due to the need to take into account current trends in the development of digital governance in the processes of digital transformation of domestic public administration, in particular, in the context of war and post-war reconstruction. It is emphasised that more and more countries are strengthening their institutional and legal frameworks for the development of e-government. One of the most striking findings of the 2022 UN survey is that more and more countries are moving towards "seamless, invisible government, where fully automated and personalised services are available to anyone at any time and from anywhere". It is noted that almost every country in the world is involved in the process of digitalisation, but although public authorities at all levels are striving for modernisation and digital transformation, approaches and results differ significantly, as do the results in sustainable development through e-government development, as well as the benefits for communities and vulnerable populations. According to the UN, the COVID-19 pandemic has further exacerbated the differences in e-governance between and within countries at the regional, national and local levels. It is concluded that the further development of digital governance will be determined by the development of digital engagement in all its dimensions, which can be defined through the components of the E-Government Development Index: E-information; E-consultation; E-decision-making. It is determined that the results of the measurement of the "Index of Digital Transformation of Regions" proposed by the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine and the values of the relevant sub-indices can be used to identify potential growth points and opportunities for regions and territorial communities in the field of digital transformation. In the context of the legal regime of martial law and post-war reconstruction, the main challenges and areas of research in the field of digital transformation of public administration, in our opinion, include: "Digital security"; "Digital literacy"; "Digital inclusion"; "Co-design – co-production – co-delivery of new value together with civil society based on trust"; "Interaction with reality-worlds of AI".


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