


public management of respiratory health protection, health care, pulmonological care, respiratory diseases


Relevance. The article deals with the problem of implementation of public management algorithms for the protection of respiratory health of the population in Ukraine. The strategic priority of this activity is to help patients with lung pathology and to raise awareness about symptoms, risks, early detection and diagnosis. An important tool of the proposed algorithm is to ensure that medical professionals provide people with respiratory diseases and their caregivers with various paths that lead to free, reliable and up-to-date information and resources about this pathology. Results. It is suggested that the effectiveness and diversity of awareness-raising communication campaigns and interventions that use evidence-based approaches to raise awareness of lung disease, especially among highrisk individuals, and help people with a respiratory diagnosis to manage the disease. It is substantiated that an important direction of public management of respiratory health protection is social prevention and elimination of respiratory risks, in particular, reduction of tobacco smoking. The author suggests disseminating messages about risk factors (eg, smoking, environmental and occupational exposures, as well as genetic diseases), indicating what actions should be taken by individuals at risk and what behavioral interventions (eg, tobacco cessation, exercise and (nutrition) are available. Use of mass media, social media and other methods to inform people and communities at risk of respiratory disease may include indicators to measure the impact of communication on health outcomes, investment in evaluation studies, who design and measure the effectiveness of the outreach campaign, research should include metrics that measure the extent and impact of these efforts on the health of patients themselves. Prevention strategies should include smoke-free policies; tobacco-free spaces (enterprises, hospitals, etc.); rising tobacco prices; media campaigns and smoking cessation advocacy.


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