
  • Hennadii FERDMAN Scientific Research Center of the Armed Forces of Ukraine "State Oceanarium" for scientific work of the Institute of Military and Naval Forces of the National University "Odesa Maritime Academy"



corruption, law enforcement agencies, public administration, economic stability, social consequences, political instability, Ukraine


Relevance. The proposed article examines corruption threats in law enforcement and public administration of Ukraine. The author of the article investigated how corruption undermines the economic stability and financial transparency of the state, destroys the social and legal foundations of society, violates justice and equality before the law. This leads to an increase in social inequalities and a decrease in citizens' trust in state institutions. Corruption creates significant obstacles for sustainable development of the country, delaying investments, limiting opportunities for economic growth and implementation of infrastructure projects. Result. The article examines in detail how corruption in law enforcement agencies takes many forms, including bribery, abuse of power and position. These phenomena are serious problems that affect all levels of the legal system, reducing the trust of citizens in the bodies that should protect their rights and ensure law and order. Corrupt actions in law enforcement agencies, such as extortion of bribes, falsification of evidence or concealment of crimes, undermine the very essence of law and order and create conditions for the spread of impunity among criminals. The author notes that corruption in law enforcement agencies often has a systemic nature, which undermines the functioning of state institutions, leads to improper use of resources and reduces the effectiveness of law enforcement activities. Corruption creates the conditions for selective justice, when laws are not applied to everyone equally, but depending on personal or financial interests, which destroys trust in law enforcement agencies and threatens the foundations of the rule of law. In addition, the article focuses on corruption in public administration, which also has significant negative consequences. Corruption schemes in the sphere of public procurement, allocation of budget funds and management of state property lead to irrational use of resources, which harms the economic development of the country. The consequences of corruption in public administration are manifested in a decrease in the quality of the provision of public services, a decrease in the level of professionalism and competence in authorities, which creates additional barriers for citizens and businesses. The author concludes that corruption in law enforcement agencies and public administration has a complex and far-reaching impact on society and the state. It undermines citizens' trust in state institutions, contributes to economic losses, reduces the quality of public services and creates threats to economic development. The political consequences of corruption include the undermining of democratic processes and political instability.


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