public administration, digital technologies, national security, economic sustainability, digital toolsAbstract
Under the legal regime of martial law in Ukraine, the formation of special mechanisms for national development based on digitalisation is a critical stage in maintaining the stability and economic growth of the State. Digital technologies contribute to the efficient management of public resources, development of innovative sectors of the economy, strengthening of national security and ensuring social stability. The article analyses the key factors of digitalisation that optimise public administration and social and economic processes in the State. The purpose of the research is to study the mechanisms of digitalisation as an important tool for national development under martial law. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of national and international practices that shape the sustainability of State and economic structures through innovative digital technologies. The study applies a comprehensive approach, including an analysis of the legal acts regulating digitalisation in Ukraine. Methods of comparative and legal analysis were used to assess the effectiveness of the current legal framework and identify areas for its improvement to strengthen national security and economic resilience in the context of a full-scale war. The research results showed that digitalisation is a key element of national development, especially in the context of martial law. This includes the creation and implementation of digital platforms for managing national resources, the development of e-government, as well as ensuring cybersecurity and personal data protection. Through such initiatives, Ukraine can significantly improve the efficiency of public administration, optimise business processes and maintain economic stability. In the process of digitalisation, it is important to take into account not only technological aspects but also social challenges, including digital inequality and human rights. In the context of martial law, the focus should be on integrating international experience and developing national regulatory mechanisms to ensure the country's effective adaptation to new realities. For further development, it is necessary to improve the legislative framework in the field of digital technologies and strengthen cybersecurity measures.
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