


public administration, digitalisation, adaptive services, individual approach, state-citizen interaction


The growing use of digital technologies in public administration has transformed the service delivery process, focusing on the need for a personalised approach to meeting the diverse needs of citizens. The personalisation of administrative services is becoming a crucial factor in improving the customer focus of public authorities, strengthening public trust and increasing the efficiency of service delivery. This paper examines the relevance of digital personalisation in public administration, assesses its impact on customer focus, and highlights the challenges and opportunities associated with its implementation. The relevance of this study is driven by the rapid global transition to e-government and the growing expectations of citizens to respond promptly to their needs for administrative services tailored to individual requests. Digital technologies, such as artificial intelligence, big data analysis and blockchain, open new opportunities for public authorities to analyse citizen data, predict their needs and provide individualised solutions. At the same time, introducing such technologies raises issues of inclusiveness, ethical use of data, and the balance between efficiency and fairness. These challenges are particularly relevant for Ukraine, where digital transformation occurs rapidly but unevenly, creating significant opportunities and systemic constraints. This study aims to analyse the impact of personalisation on the customer focus of public authorities in Ukraine. The study's results show that personalisation significantly improves customer focus by simplifying service delivery procedures, reducing bureaucratic difficulties, and increasing user satisfaction. The experience of countries leading the way in digital governance, such as Estonia and Singapore, shows that personalised administrative services contribute to the growth of public trust and operational efficiency. In Ukraine, the Diia platform is an example of integrating personalisation into public service delivery. Despite the successes, limited resources and imperfect infrastructure challenges must be addressed. The study concludes that personalising administrative services through digital technologies is a transformational approach that significantly enhances customer focus. However, its successful implementation requires addressing ethical issues, protecting citizens' data, and guaranteeing equal access to digital services.


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