public administration,Abstract
The scientific article highlights a topical issue in the field of public administration, namely the issue of the development of Ukraine's "green transformation" policy in conditions of unpredictable changes. Under unforeseen changes, we are talking about the COVID-19 pandemic and the full-scale deployment of Russian armed aggression. Goal. The purpose of the study is to determine the theoretical rationale for the development of the "green transformation" policy in the conditions of unpredictable changes and the development of practical approaches to increase the effectiveness of its implementation in Ukraine. Research materials and methods. Achieving the defined goal of the research involved the application of a number of general scientific methods of cognition, as well as the elaboration of a set of international and domestic normative legal acts, as well as the results of dissertation-monographic and analyticalproject documents. Research results. For Ukraine, European integration remains an unchanged course and state priority of domestic and foreign policy. The establishment of this course, which took place in 2019, together with the signing in 2014 of the Agreement on the Association of Ukraine with the European Union, not only de facto, but also de jure, determines the a priori fulfillment by our state of all the requirements of such membership, starting from the stage of acquiring the status – candidate countries (2022). One of the policy directions in the field of European integration is the implementation of the "green transformation" policy in Ukraine. It is justified that this direction is the most scientifically developed in the field of economic sciences. But the policy of "green transformation" is becoming an increasingly urgent problem in the science of public administration. It was determined that at the level of global governance, the concept of the "European Green Course" (2019), which provides for the transformation of political life, economy and social development, became a political prerequisite for its formation and implementation at the national level. The key components of this concept are clean energy, reducing environmental pollution, climate action, construction and renovation, sustainable industry, sustainable mobility, biodiversity and sustainable agricultural policy for the health and well-being of future generations. Conclusions. The implementation of the state policy of "green transformation" in Ukraine requires an active role of the state in building a new format of public relations with representatives of civil society and industry in order to achieve the defined goals of the EU policy.
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