


internally displaced persons, integration, public administration, social adaptation, strategies, financial mechanisms, regional peculiarities


The integration of internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Ukraine is one of the key challenges of modern state policy, the relevance of which is due to the scale of migration processes resulting from the full-scale invasion. It is established that the integration process requires a systematic approach that takes into account socio-economic, legal and regional peculiarities. The article examines the current mechanisms of public management of IDP integration and identifies the main barriers that impede the effective implementation of adaptation programmes. The aim of the work is to develop practical recommendations for improving the IDP integration policy at various levels of government, including the state, local and public. To achieve this goal, a systematic approach was used that combines methods of analysing the legal framework, monitoring the implementation of integration programmes, and studying international experience in supporting IDPs. The study was conducted using a comparative analysis, which allowed us to identify disproportions in the resource provision of the regions. The results of the study showed that the main problems of IDP integration are the lack of a long-term strategy, insufficient funding for housing programmes, complex bureaucratic registration procedures and social barriers in relations between IDPs and local communities. It is found that communities with different levels of economic development demonstrate significant inequalities in the ability to support IDPs, which creates risks of social tension. The role of NGOs and international institutions that facilitate the implementation of humanitarian aid programmes is also studied. The conclusions emphasise the need to create a unified national strategy for the integration of IDPs, which will take into account regional peculiarities and ensure the flexibility of financial mechanisms. It is recommended that the regulatory framework be improved, digital platforms for IDP registration should be introduced, and retraining and social adaptation programmes should be expanded. Practical measures for local governments have been developed, including the creation of integration centres and the involvement of local business resources. Prospects for further research include the development of criteria for assessing the effectiveness of integration policy, analysis of the impact of automation of administrative processes on the availability of services for IDPs, and research on the long-term socio-economic consequences of migration processes. Such an approach will not only increase the effectiveness of integration programmes but also contribute to the sustainable development of communities hosting IDPs.


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