



state security, stability of operation, renewable sources, strategic reserves, innovative technologies


Ukraine is going through the most difficult stage in the development of its energy sector due to the challenges caused by the Russian-Ukrainian war, in particular, significant destruction of infrastructure, loss of part of the generating capacity and increased energy dependence. In these circumstances, it is important not only to restore the destroyed energy potential, but also to strategically rethink approaches to energy sector management to ensure its sustainability, energy independence and integration into the European energy space. The purpose of the article is to analyse the current state of Ukraine’s energy sector, identify the main problems in public administration of the energy sector, and develop recommendations for improving public administration mechanisms aimed at decentralisation, integration of renewable energy sources and strengthening energy security. The study used methods of systematic and comparative analysis, statistical generalisation, and expert evaluation. The data sources were official reports, analytical studies, regulations and open data on the state of the energy sector. The structural changes in the energy mix of Ukraine caused by the war are investigated, and the defining problems of public administration are identified, including insufficient resource support for energy decentralisation, critical gaps in the introduction of renewable energy sources, and low efficiency of anti-crisis measures. Practical recommendations for modernising the energy sector management system are proposed. The main emphasis is placed on the development of decentralised generation, activation of the role of communities in shaping local energy, integration of renewable energy sources, and digitalisation of energy management. Effective management of the energy sector in the face of current challenges requires transformational changes that include decentralisation, energy efficiency and the integration of innovative approaches. The developed recommendations will contribute to achieving Ukraine’s energy independence, ensuring the sustainability of the national energy system and its integration into the European energy space, which are the main priorities in the context of the country’s post-war recovery.


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