


manual tool, ergonomics, checklist, algorithm


The purpose of the study is to develop an algorithm for checking hand tools for ergonomics for forestry workers. Methods. To check the ergonomics of six hand tools of forestry workers, an algorithm was developed, which consists of five steps: compiling a list of hand tool characteristics, selecting a group of experts and hand tools of different brands, conducting an ergonomics assessment, analyzing the received assessments, and developing recommendations. The recommendations of DSTU 7895:2015. Design and ergonomics standards were used to create the checklist. Rules for evaluating the ergonomic level of quality of industrial products, as well as DSTU 7251:2011. Design and ergonomics. Design and ergonomic requirements. Nomenclature and order of selection. The results. An algorithm for evaluating the ergonomics of a hand tool has been developed, the main difference of which from the existing ones is a checklist that includes 16 main indicators for determining the convenience and comfort of using work tools. The results of the evaluation of the ergonomics of several manual tools used at forestry enterprises by three groups of participants (experts, experienced and beginners) are presented, which allowed to establish the suitability of the developed checklist, as well as to give recommendations for its further improvement. It is shown that the discrepancy between the evaluation points between the groups of researchers is due to the lack of understanding of the scales, as well as the lack of agreement with the key indicators given in the checklist. Scientific novelty. The expediency of using benchmarks for determining the ergonomics of a hand tool is scientifically substantiated through processing the results of a survey of research participants. Practical value. An algorithm for evaluating the ergonomics of a hand tool with a corresponding checklist has been developed.


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How to Cite

Cheberiachko, Y., Yavorska, O., Borovytskyi, O., & Zgerskyy, R. (2023). ERGONOMIC ASSESSMENT OF HAND TOOLS FOR FORESTRY WORKERS. Electrical and Information Systems, (104), 48–55.