

generation, electricity, power factor, compensation, load, power, consumer.


Goal. Increasing the power factor of energy consumption systems and analysis of their efficiency depending on the nature of the load. The research methodology consists in the analysis of indicators of quality of electric energy of consumers with various character of loading. Results of the research. The parameters of technological systems of power supply and consumption with linear and nonlinear nature of loading are investigated. It is shown that the phenomenon of generation significantly affects the cost and quality of electricity. It is established that to increase the efficiency of power systems requires an individual approach to the choice of reactive energy compensation system. It is shown that typical compensating devices are effective for linear symmetrical consumers. Scientific novelty. The dependences of electricity quality indicators on the nature of consumers are established. Practical meaning. Recommendations for increasing the power factor in power consumption systems with mini-mal generation of reactive energy have been developed. Recommendations for reactive energy compensation in linear asymmetric systems have been developed, for which the use of compensators with individual regulation by operating phases is proposed.


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How to Cite

Pavlyus, S., Ivashchenko, V., Papanova, I., Sobornytskyi, V., Papanov, G., Tsiplenkov, D., Kolb, A., & Galushko, D. (2023). EFFICIENCY OF INDUSTRIAL ELECTRICITY CONSUMPTION SYSTEMS WITH DIFFERENT NATURE OF LOAD. Electrical and Information Systems, (103), 14–19. Retrieved from https://journals.politehnica.dp.ua/index.php/eis/article/view/337