electricity accounting, energy efficiency control, energy management systems.Abstract
Purpose of work – to assess possibilities and define usefulness of the existing electricity meter reading systems in energy efficiency control systems of technological processes at industrial enterprises. Research methods – analyzing functions of the existing electricity meter systems and their combination with the functions of energy efficiency control systems. Research results. The connection between control systems and other components of energy management system is considered. Requirements for the management object, and the control systems, are formulated. It is shown that the structural construction and location of electricity metering points in the existing distribution net-works at industrial enterprise mainly meet the conditions for implementing energy efficiency control systems. Scientific novelty. The necessity for using automatic meter reading (AMR) systems, which is due to orien-tating the systems on a significant number of the control objects and electricity metering points, the need to in-crease accuracy of the metered values, frequency in the transmission data, as well as the ability to change perio-dicity of data collection, and the availability of access to the data archive, is substantiated. Practical significance.The existing AMR system’s software is not fully able to carry out functions of the system for energy efficiency control. Partial use of its capabilities is offered. Separating the AMR system’s func-tions from the other functions of the system for energy efficiency control allows us to consider the corresponding software in the form of independent modules, interaction of which provides realizing full list of functions of the control system.
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