

electricity quality, power supply systems, higher harmonics, electricity losses.


The article considers the problem of electricity quality in modern power supply systems of enterprises. The analysis of quality in several countries of the world is carried out. The purpose of the article is to assess the state of voltage quality in industrial electrical networks, taking into account the sharp increase in asymmetric and nonlinear loads and to determine the dependence of electricity losses on the indicators of economic development of the country. Method. The method of expert estimations and methods of statistical analysis were used to determine the average values of electricity losses. Results. The scientific explanation for the high levels of electricity losses in developing countries is due to the unresolved problem of voltage quality and very low values of the natural power factor in industrial, distribution and main electricity networks. Scientific novelty. The article presents an analysis of electricity quality problems at the moment and de-scribes the importance of solving these problems. The solutions are based mainly on changing the level of har-monics that affect the power systems, and thus improve the quality of electricity. The article analyzes the complex deterioration of voltage quality in electrical networks when changing the nature of the electrical load. Practical significance. Finding patterns of electricity losses and GDP of the country. Research is conducted for industrial power supply systems. Based on the research, the priority tasks for solving the problem of low voltage quality in Ukraine are determined.


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How to Cite

Zhezhelenko І., Papaika, Y., Lutsenko, I., & Lysenko, O. (2023). ASSESSMENT OF VOLTAGE QUALITY IN INDUSTRIAL POWER SUPPLY SYSTEMS. Electrical and Information Systems, (103), 26–31. Retrieved from