

Transmitting TV tube, transistor, natural rock separation, rock mass lumpiness.


Efficient open pit mining of rocky minerals requires preliminary preparation of the extracted rock. Most often this is done with the help of drilling and blasting operations, which makes it possible to obtain a rock mass at the exit that is convenient for further extraction of lumpiness. The purpose of this article is to present the technical development of a device for automatic on-line meas-urement of the size of the natural blockiness of a rock mass and pieces of rock mass obtained by drilling and blasting. Methodology. The device is based on the phenomenon of modulation of the electronic beam of the reading unit with different illumination of particles and the gaps between them. Measurements directly in the quarry are achieved by the fact that the device uses the principle of reading the dimensions of natural units of a rock mass or pieces of rock mass by a beam of a transmitting television tube and differentiating them by an electronic pulse circuit. Results. Based on the results of sample observations, statistical distributions of the studied characteristics were compiled and, using a two-parameter function, theoretical frequencies were calculated for the same values of the dominant function and its content in a given volume. Scientific novelty. Obtaining the necessary information takes place directly in the quarry. Statistical studies have shown sufficient measurement accuracy. The specified characteristics of the degree of crushing of rocks are the parameters of the function, which determines the required accuracy of mathematical modeling of mining processes. A visual comparison of the graphs of the empirical and theoretical distributions of the sizes of frac-tions in each case of measurement showed the technological acceptability of the device. Practical significance. Prompt receipt of objective information about the state of the rock mass before the explosion and after it will make it possible to implement the optimal control of the complex of drilling and blast-ing operations (blast-blasting) in open pits according to the criterion of the quality of the rock mass.


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How to Cite

Sherbakov, P., Tymchenko, S., & Toropcev, G. (2023). DEVICE FOR AUTOMATIC MEASUREMENT OF THE NATURAL BLOCKING OF ROCK MASS AND LUMPING OF ROCK MASS IN PITS. Electrical and Information Systems, (103), 64–71. Retrieved from