

lubricant, energy efficiency, selection, method, properties.


Purpose of work. Justification of the need for the transition of industrial enterprises of Ukraine to an energy-resource-efficient approach in the selection of lubricants according to the criterion "Price for a lubricant with appropriate physical and chemical properties" on the example of selection of a lubricant for a friction pair "flange (flange) of a wheel (wheel tire) – rail" and rail transport. Development of a method for express selection of lubricants and the basic principles of the procedure for their admission to use in production. Research methods. Experiment, observations, measurements, experimental data processing, statistical and comparative analysis. Research results. The necessity of selection of lubricants, at the stage of making a decision on their use, according to the criterion "Price for a lubricant with appropriate physical and chemical properties" is substantiated. An express selection method has been developed. Scientific novelty. A new concept has been introduced into geotriboenergy - "the ability of a lubricant to increase the resistance of friction surfaces to the transition to catastrophic wear modes" and the accompanying indicator - "an indicator of degradation of the lubricant's ability to increase the resistance of friction surfaces to the transition to catastrophic wear modes". Practical significance of work results. Industrial enterprises of Ukraine were offered to make a transition to an energy-resource-efficient approach at the stage of making a decision on the use of lubricants; a method of express selection of lubricants was developed and implemented.


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How to Cite

Byelikov А., Kravchenko О. K., Zavalii О., Lykharev М., Matsuk, Z., Protsiv, V., Hryhorenko, V., & Kozechko, V. (2023). LUBRICANT LUBRICANTS AND PLASTIC MATERIALS. EXPRESS SELECTION METHOD. Electrical and Information Systems, (103), 107–114. Retrieved from