

digital monitoring, interface, microcontroller - meter, concentrator, address space, smart me-ter, database.


The principles of construction of a computer system for monitoring non-electric energy and material flows at industrial enterprises of the metallurgical and chemical industries are considered in the work. Data on the fea-tures of software and technical implementation of the monitoring system of non-electric energy and material flows are given. The aim of the work is to build a fundamental basis for such software and technical solutions, which should be based on a unified system of digital energy monitoring, a wide range of applications for use in scattered facilities with a complex topology of information networks. Based on the results of analytical research, a mathe-matical model for calculating the consumption of gases, vapors and liquids in a dispersed intelligent network, found basic schemes, technical and software solutions for building local digital computers and the principles of their interaction in a dispersed network with the server monitoring non-electric material and energy flows. The scientific novelty of the obtained results lies in the development of new algorithmic and structural principles of construction of computer network systems for energy monitoring. According to the results of the research, the design documentation and original software of the software and technical complex, which is implemented in in-dustrial operation for dispatch control and technical accounting of energy at the Dnieper Coke Plant in Kamyanskе, Dnipropetrovsk region, were developed jointly with the specialists of the inter-branch corporation "Accounting".


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How to Cite

Zaslavskyi, A., Tkachev, V., Protsenko, S., & Karpenko, O. (2023). PRINCIPLES OF SOFTWARE CONSTRUCTION FOR NON-ELECTRIC ENERGY AND MATERIAL FLOWS MONITORING. Electrical and Information Systems, (103), 115–120. Retrieved from