tram, dispersion method, recuperation, voltage, energy indicators, current, stochastic process, power, probability.Abstract
Purpose of work. Development of a new probability assessment method and numerical analysis of power and energy indicators of recuperative trams. Methods of the research. The methods of the theory of electric traction, electric circuits with non-sinusoidal current and the theory of stochastic processes have been used. Results of the research. Analytical expressions have been obtained and probability and statistical calculations of power and energy indicators for trams of T3D and T4D type, taking into account stochastic nature of the change in the recovered voltages and currents, have been performed. It has been shown that sharply variable nature of recovered voltage and current determines the same dynamics of changes in power and energy indicators. Moreover, in many phases of regenerative braking, power factor is less that 0.92-0.95 and the reactive power factor is more than 0.25. Statistical distribution of power values is different: reactive power, in contrast to active and full power is subject to the Gauss’s law. The distribution of power factor is “linear-inverse” to the law of distribution of reactive power but reactive power factor is close to a normal law. Scientific novelty of the research. A new correlation and dispersion method for determining energy indicators of trams based on the dispersion theory of stochastic pro-cesses has been developed. The regularities of the influence of stochastic nature of generated voltage and current on the power factor and reactive power factor have been established and grounded. It is offered to consider that power factor is not always a sufficiently obvious energy indicator in recuperation modes. Practical significance. The analytical expressions of power and power factors obtained in the work make it possible to compile more accurate and more detailed energy balance in urban tram traffic systems. Time graphical dependencies and histo-grams of power values and power factors make it possible to predict the parameters of effective recuperation modes also for other types of trams in other cities of Ukraine.
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