frictional couple, coupling coefficient, disk brake, brake moment, locomotive wheel, railway line.Abstract
Objective. Calculate the coordinates of the maximum temperature and the maximum pressure on the working surface for the rational parameters of the main elements of the disc brake of a mine locomotive with a multi-sector brake disc selected by mathematical modeling. Research Methodology. To find the coordinates of the maximum temperature and maximum pressure on the working surface of a disc brake with a multi-sector brake disc at the selected optimal parameters, mathematical modeling of temperature and pressure on the friction surface was carried out. Research Results. On the basis of mathematical modeling, the maximum temperature and its coordinates and the highest pressure on the working surface of a disc brake with a multi-sector brake disc are found. It is shown that the maximum temperature on the friction surface of the main elements of the disc brake with the selected parameters in specific mine conditions under the most unfavorable operating conditions will not exceed the per-missible value. Scientific Novelty. A mathematical model has been developed for braking a mine locomotive with a disc brake, which creates a pulsating braking moment on the wheelset axis, which depends on its angular coordinate, taking into account the nonlinear dependence of the adhesion coefficient on relative slip, on the basis of which the parameters of the braking torque are specifications. Practical Significance. A scientifically substantiated engineering method has been developed for selecting rational parameters of a disc brake for a mine locomotive and determining the dynamic and kinematic character-istics of a mine locomotive drive when braking with a disc brake with a multi-sector disc. An analytical solution to the problem of unsteady thermal conductivity is obtained on finding the temperature field arising in the brake disc and friction linings of a disc brake of a mine locomotive when linings are made in the form of an annular sector, on the basis of which the dependence of the relative temperature on the friction surface of the brake disc on time is found. with cyclic braking.
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