electrochemical corrosion, electrochemical protection; underground steel pipeline; polyharmonic signal.Abstract
In the paper the analysis of protective potential of the underground steel pipeline is executed. It is noted, that the law of change in the protective potential in the time under the condition of simultaneous operation of several cathodic protection stations is different from the expected one. The given oscillograms testify to significant disturbing influences affecting the electrical processes in the electrotechnical system “cathodic protection station - underground pipeline - ground”. It is proved that the average value of the protective potential is not an exhaustive characteristic of the corrosion situation. It was concluded that improvement of the corrosion situation is possible by minimizing fluctuations of the potential values both: along the pipeline length and in the time, on the based on the establishment of dependencies between the electrical parameters of the “cathodic protection station - underground metal pipeline - soil” system and its operating modes.
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