
  • O.I. Shvachka
  • H.I. Manko


PID-regulator, differentiator, tuning, regression equation, correlation coefficient, statistics, quality.


The structure is considered in proportion to the integral - differential controller with the additional influence of the differentiator on the proportional and differential components to control substantially in ertial objects under conditions of uncontrolled disturbances of a sufficiently large size and operating conditions close to critical. An approach to calculating the controller settings is proposed, combining the principles of iterative tuning in terms of quality indicators and experimental-statistical analysis methods when varying the dynamic characteristics of an object. On the basis of a model experiment of operating an automatic system with a classical PID controller adjusted by instrumental means and regulators with an additional effect of a differentiator tuned by an experimental statistical method, it was shown that in the second case, more effective tuning is when processing disturbances and setting process parameters.


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How to Cite

Shvachka, O., & Manko, H. (2023). DEVELOPMENT OF TUNING METHODS PID-REGULATOR WITH ADDITIONAL DIFFERENTIATOR EFFECT. Electrical and Information Systems, (101), 56–61. Retrieved from