sliding contact, contact wire, current collector lining, number of lining replacements, normalized lining replacement time.Abstract
In the present article, a comparative analysis is given of skid plates for current collectors of electric locomotives and direct-current electric trains of different materials. Among them are two types of linings, which are now in operation - the first type of composition, and the second - carbon-graphite, and the third type - the modern high-tech lining of the material "Romanit-UVLSh." The calculations were carried out for the Lviv railway. Calculations were carried out without taking into account price increases for material and labor resources, without taking into account changes in the value of money over time. The resulting relative units when changing other conditions will not have significant fluctuations. The presented calculations confirmed the high technical and economic indicators of the slips of the runners of the current collectors from the “Romanit- UVLSh” material, namely, the reduction of the costs for replacing the slips compared to the first and second types of slips by about 3 times. From the point of view of the cost of the normalized time to replace the runners of electric current collectors of electric locomotives and electric trains, the introduction of linings of the “Romanit- UVLSh” material will reduce this time by 14 times compared to the linings of the first type and 58 times compared to the linings of the second type.
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