
  • I.V. Zhezhelenko
  • Yu.A. Papaika
  • O.H. Lysenko


reliability index, power supply system, electrical equipment reliability, power transformers, cable lines.


The article presents the concept of "reliability index" as the main indicator of energy efficiency of power supply systems. The scientific basis for calculating this indicator is developed, based on indicators of economic development of the country. The reliability indexes are suitable for practical purposes and the minimum values of reserve capacities of the generating power system are substantiated. Calculations of the reliability index for electric networks of Ukraine are executed and general conclusions about the implementation of the necessary measures for improving this indicator to the level of the developed countries of the world are formulated. The analysis of the use of the reliability index for optimization of the equipment of power systems and district substations is carried out.


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How to Cite

Zhezhelenko, I., Papaika, Y., & Lysenko, O. (2023). EVALUATION OF ENERGY EFFICIENCY OF SYSTEMS ELECTRICAL SUPPLY USING THE RELIABILITY INDEX. Electrical and Information Systems, (100), 25–29. Retrieved from https://journals.politehnica.dp.ua/index.php/eis/article/view/397